Estimate Protected Connected (ProtConn) indicator and fractions for one region.
MK_ProtConn( nodes, region, area_unit = "m2", distance = list(type = "centroid", resistance = NULL), distance_thresholds, probability, transboundary = NULL, transboundary_type = "nodes", protconn_bound = FALSE, LA = NULL, geom_simplify = FALSE, delta = FALSE, plot = FALSE, write = NULL, parallel = NULL, intern = TRUE )
nodes | object of class sf, sfc, sfg or SpatialPolygons. The file must have a projected coordinate system. |
region | object of class sf, sfc, sfg or SpatialPolygons. The file must have a projected coordinate system. |
area_unit | character. Attribute area units. You can set an area unit, "Makurhini::unit_covert()" compatible unit ("m2", "Dam2, "km2", "ha", "inch2", "foot2", "yard2", "mile2"). Default equal to hectares "m2". |
distance | list. See distancefile. Example, list(type= "centroid", resistance = NULL). |
distance_thresholds | numeric. Distance or distances thresholds to establish connections (meters). For example, one distance: distance_threshold = 30000; two or more specific distances: distance_thresholds = c(30000, 50000); sequence distances: distance_thresholds = seq(10000,100000, 10000). |
probability | numeric. Probability of direct dispersal between nodes, Default, 0.5, that is 50 percentage of probability connection. If probability = NULL, then it will be the inverse of the mean dispersal distance for the species (1/α; Hanski and Ovaskainen 2000). |
transboundary | numeric. Buffer to select polygons in a second round, their attribute value = 0, see Saura et al. 2017. You can set one transboundary value or one per each threshold distance. |
transboundary_type | character. Two options: "nodes" or "region". If it is "nodes" the transboundary is built from the limits of the nodes present in the region (default), if "region" is selected the transboundary is built from the limits of the region. |
protconn_bound | logical. If TRUE then the fractions ProtUnConn[design] and ProtConn[bound] will be estimated. |
LA | numeric. Maximum Landscape Attribute. |
geom_simplify | logical. Slightly simplify the region and nodes geometries. |
delta | logical. Estimate the contribution of each node to the ProtConn value in the region. |
plot | logical. Plot the main ProtConn indicators and fractions, default = FALSE. |
write | character. Output folder including the output file name without extension, e.g., "C:/ProtConn/Protfiles". |
parallel | numeric. Specify the number of cores to use for parallel processing, default = NULL. Parallelize the function using furrr package and multiprocess plan when there are more than ONE transboundary. |
intern | logical. Show the progress of the process, default = TRUE. Sometimes the advance process does not reach 100 percent when operations are carried out very quickly. |
Table with the following ProtConn values: ECA, Prot, ProtConn, ProtUnconn, RelConn, ProtUnConn[design], ProtConn[bound], ProtConn[Prot], ProtConn[Within],
ProtConn[Contig], ProtConn[Trans], ProtConn[Unprot], ProtConn[Within][land], ProtConn[Contig][land],
ProtConn[Unprot][land], ProtConn[Trans][land]
*If plot is not NULL a list is returned with the ProtConn table and a plots.
Saura, S., Bastin, L., Battistella, L., Mandrici, A., & Dubois, G. (2017). Protected areas in the world’s ecoregions: How well connected are they? Ecological Indicators, 76, 144–158. Saura, S., Bertzky, B., Bastin, L., Battistella, L., Mandrici, A., & Dubois, G. (2018). Protected area connectivity: Shortfalls in global targets and country-level priorities. Biological Conservation, 219(October 2017), 53–67.
if (FALSE) { library(Makurhini) library(sf) data("Protected_areas", package = "Makurhini") data("regions", package = "Makurhini") region <- regions[2,] test <- MK_ProtConn(nodes = Protected_areas, region = region, area_unit = "ha", distance = list(type= "centroid"), distance_thresholds = c(50000, 10000), probability = 0.5, transboundary = 50000, LA = NULL, plot = TRUE, parallel = NULL, protconn_bound=TRUE, delta = TRUE, write = NULL, intern = TRUE) test #Least-cost distances HFP_Mexico <- raster(system.file("extdata", "HFP_Mexico.tif", package = "Makurhini", mustWork = TRUE)) mask_1 <- as(extent(Protected_areas), 'SpatialPolygons') crs(mask_1) <- crs(Protected_areas) mask_1 <- buffer(mask_1, 20000) HFP_Mexico <- crop(HFP_Mexico, mask_1) HFP_Mexico <- HFP_Mexico/10 HFP_Mexico[HFP_Mexico < 1] <- 1 HFP_Mexico <- round(HFP_Mexico) test2 <- MK_ProtConn(nodes = Protected_areas, region = region, area_unit = "ha", distance = list(type= "least-cost", resistance = HFP_Mexico, = TRUE, = 4, = NULL), distance_thresholds = c(50000, 10000), probability = 0.5, transboundary = 50000, LA = NULL, plot = TRUE, write = NULL, intern = FALSE) test2$d50000 test2$d10000 }