Estimate Protected Connected (ProtConn) indicator and fractions for multiple regions.
MK_ProtConnMult( nodes, regions, area_unit = "m2", distance = list(type = "centroid", resistance = NULL), distance_thresholds, probability, transboundary = NULL, transboundary_type = "nodes", protconn_bound = FALSE, geom_simplify = FALSE, delta = FALSE, CI = "all", plot = FALSE, write = NULL, intern = TRUE, parallel = NULL )
nodes | object of class sf, sfc, sfg or SpatialPolygons. The file must have a projected coordinate system. |
regions | object of class sf, sfc, sfg or SpatialPolygons. The file must have a projected coordinate system. |
area_unit | character. Attribute area units. You can set an area unit, "Makurhini::unit_covert()" compatible unit ("m2", "Dam2, "km2", "ha", "inch2", "foot2", "yard2", "mile2"). Default equal to hectares "m2". |
distance | list. See distancefile. Example, list(type= "centroid", resistance = NULL). |
distance_thresholds | numeric. Distance or distances thresholds to establish connections (meters). For example, one distance: distance_threshold = 30000; two or more specific distances: distance_threshold = c(30000, 50000); sequence distances: distance_threshold = seq(10000,100000, 10000). |
probability | numeric. Connection probability to the selected distance threshold, e.g., 0.5 that is 50 percentage of probability connection. numeric. If probability = NULL, then it will be the inverse of the mean dispersal distance for the species (1/α; Hanski and Ovaskainen 2000). |
transboundary | numeric. Buffer to select polygons in a second round, their attribute value = 0, see Saura et al. 2017. |
transboundary_type | character. Two options: "nodes" or "region". If it is "nodes" the transboundary is built from the limits of the nodes present in the region (default), if "region" is selected the transboundary is built from the limits of the region. |
protconn_bound | logical. If TRUE then the fractions ProtUnConn[design] and ProtConn[bound] will be estimated. |
geom_simplify | logical. Slightly simplify the region and nodes geometries. |
delta | logical. Estimate the contribution of each node to the ProtConn value in the regions. |
CI | character. A character vector representing the type of confidence intervals that will be estimated. The value should be any subset of the values c("norm","basic", "stud", "perc", "bca") or "all" which will compute all five types of intervals (see, |
plot | logical. Plot the main ProtConn indicators and fractions with their standard deviation, default = FALSE. |
write | character. Output folder including the output file name without extension, e.g., "C:/ProtConn/Protfiles". |
intern | logical. Show the progress of the process, default = TRUE. Sometimes the advance process does not reach 100 percent when operations are carried out very quickly. |
parallel | numeric. Specify the number of cores to use for parallel processing, default = NULL. Parallelize the function using furrr package and multiprocess plan. |
Table with the following ProtConn values: ECA, Prot, ProtConn, ProtUnconn, RelConn, ProtUnConn[design], ProtConn[bound], ProtConn[Prot], ProtConn[Within],
ProtConn[Contig], ProtConn[Trans], ProtConn[Unprot], ProtConn[Within][land], ProtConn[Contig][land],
ProtConn[Unprot][land], ProtConn[Trans][land]
*Each indicator is accompanied by six dispersion statistics: standard deviation, standard error and four confidence intervals obtained with a bootstrap-type resampling (Carpenter & Bithell 2000; see, ProtConnStat())
*If plot is not TRUE a list is returned with the ProtConn table and a plots.
Saura, S., Bastin, L., Battistella, L., Mandrici, A., & Dubois, G. (2017). Protected areas in the world’s ecoregions: How well connected are they? Ecological Indicators, 76, 144–158. Saura, S., Bertzky, B., Bastin, L., Battistella, L., Mandrici, A., & Dubois, G. (2018). Protected area connectivity: Shortfalls in global targets and country-level priorities. Biological Conservation, 219(October 2017), 53–67.
if (FALSE) { library(Makurhini) library(sf) data("Protected_areas", package = "Makurhini") plot(Protected_areas, col="green") data("regions", package = "Makurhini") plot(regions, col=c("blue", "red", "green")) test <- MK_ProtConnMult(nodes = Protected_areas, regions = regions, area_unit = "ha", distance = list(type= "centroid"), distance_thresholds = c(10000, 50000), probability = 0.5, transboundary = 50000, plot = TRUE, write = NULL, parallel = NULL, intern = TRUE) test }