Test the ECA or ProtConn metrics using multiple dispersal distances
test_metric_distance( nodes, attribute = NULL, distance1 = NULL, distance2 = NULL, distance3 = NULL, distance4 = NULL, metric = "IIC", probability = NULL, distance_thresholds, region = NULL, LA = NULL, transboundary = NULL, area_unit = "ha", groups = 3, write = NULL, intern = TRUE )
nodes | Object of class sf, sfc, sfg or SpatialPolygons. |
attribute | character. Column name with the nodes attribute. If NULL, then the nodes area will be estimated and used as the attribute. |
distance1 | list. Distance parameters. For example: type, resistance,or keep. For "type" choose one of the distances: "centroid" (faster), "edge", "least-cost distance" or "commute distance". If the type is equal to "least-cost distance" or "commute distance", then you have to use the "resistance" argument. "keep" is a numeric value used for higher processing. To See more options consult the help function of distancefile(). |
distance2 | list. see distance1 argument |
distance3 | list. see distance1 argument |
distance4 | list. see distance1 argument |
metric | character. "IIC" to estimate the ECA using the IIC index, "PC" to estimate the ECA using the PC index or "ProtConn" to estimate the ProtConn indicator using the PC index. |
probability | numeric. numeric. Connection probability to the selected distance threshold, e.g., 0.5 (default) that is 50 percentage of probability connection. Use in case of selecting the "PC" metric or "ProtConn". If probability = NULL, then it will be the inverse of the mean dispersal distance for the species (1/α; Hanski and Ovaskainen 2000). |
distance_thresholds | numeric. Distances thresholds (minimum 3) to establish connections. For example, one distance: distance_threshold = 30000; two or more specific distances: distance_thresholds = c(30000, 50000, 100000); sequence distances (recommended): distance_thresholds = seq(10000,100000, 10000). |
region | object of class sf, sfc, sfg or SpatialPolygons. If metric is equal to "ProtConn" then you must provide a region shapefile. |
LA | numeric. Maximum landscape attribute (attribute unit, if attribute is NULL then unit is equal to m2). |
transboundary | numeric. Buffer to select polygones in a second round, their attribute value = 0, see Saura et al. 2017. You can set one transboundary value or one per each threshold distance. |
area_unit | character. If attribute is NULL you can set an area unit, "Makurhini::unit_covert()" compatible unit(e.g., "m2", "km2", "ha"). Default equal to hectares "ha". |
groups | Selected representative threshold distances (distance just before the biggest changes in connectivity metric) |
write | character. Folder path and prefix, for example: "C:/Folder/test". |
intern | logical. Show the progress of the process, default = TRUE. Sometimes the advance process does not reach 100 percent when operations are carried out very quickly. |
Correa Ayram, C. A., Mendoza, M. E., Etter, A., & Pérez Salicrup, D. R. (2017). Anthropogenic impact on habitat connectivity: A multidimensional human footprint index evaluated in a highly biodiverse landscape of Mexico. Ecological Indicators, 72, 895–909. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.09.007
if (FALSE) { library(Makurhini) library(rgeos) data("list_forest_patches", package = "Makurhini") data("study_area", package = "Makurhini") Max_attribute <- unit_convert(gArea(study_area), "m2", "ha") test_metric_distance(nodes = list_forest_patches[[1]], distance1 =list(type= "centroid"), distance2 =list(type= "edge"), attribute = NULL, area_unit = "ha", LA = Max_attribute , distance_thresholds = seq(10000,100000, 10000), groups = 0) data("Protected_areas", package = "Makurhini") data("regions", package = "Makurhini") region <- regions[1,] test_metric_distance(nodes = Protected_areas, distance1 =list(type= "centroid"), distance2 =list(type= "edge", keep = 0.05), metric = "ProtConn", probability = 0.5, area_unit = "ha", region = region, transboundary = 50000, distance_thresholds = seq(10000,100000, 10000)) }